Saturday, June 30, 2007

Obon Season Has Started

Obon season has officially started! Last night, Lisa, Devan, Brent, Dave and I went to a bon dance at the Honpa Hongwanji Hawaii Betsuin in Nuuanu. I like to go to these things because of the food... Of course, Lisa wanted to go there for the dancing. I didn't get to eat, but Lisa and Brent got to dance for about 30 minutes before we "closed the bon dance down."

Obon season is from June - August... about 30 bon dances total throughout the island... I wouldn't be surprised if we end up going to at least a couple more before the season is over. To check out the list of the upcoming bon dances go to

Sunday, June 24, 2007

A Weekend of Firsts

View of Enchanted Lake from Wiliwilinui Ridge

This weekend was a weekend of firsts. On Friday night, I went to a party in Kahala, where a jazz band started playing at about 10. I originally went to the party to meet some friends between a dinner I went to earlier and party at the W, however, I had such a good time (and a little too much to drink) that I never actually made it to the W (sorry Lisa, I’ll make it up to you!) One of the guys in the band was hosting the party at his parents’ house. Anyway, according to some guys at the party, this particular band plays at 39 Hotel in downtown on Tuesday nights. I’ve heard jazz music before, but that was the first time that I heard a live jazz band. To my surprise, I really enjoyed the music and would definitely make it a point to go see them play one day. I'm not sure if it was the alcohol, but that night I felt a lot positive energy- everyone seemed to be having a great time…that is until the alcohol ran out. Just kidding. Actually, I had a blast. It was fun!

I also went hiking for the first time up Wiliwilinui Ridge with Dave. According to this book Dave had, it was a hike for novice and intermediate hikers. However with the decent incline, I would have to say that it was a hike for at least advanced-novice hikers. I am sure my quads got quite the workout... the verdict to come out tomorrow. It took us about five hours round trip… just like the book said. Once we got to the end of the trail the view from up top was so awesome that it completely took my breath away. I have to admit that I have never seen such a view! I was able to see Honolulu on one side and the entire windward side on the other! It was so awesome. I also learned a lot of different factoids from Dave. Thanks to Dave, I must say I have a much better appreciation for native Hawaiian plants, a different view of dolphins, learned about water polo, and now have a laundry list of “must see” movies. Oh yeah, I also learned a new term… if anyone knows where I live, my neighbors in the park across the way will now be referred to as “urban campers.” Haha.

Finally, I had dinner at Nobu’s for the first time. Nobu’s is located in the Waikiki Parc Hotel across from the Halekulani. Chef Nobuyuki “Nobu” Matsuhisa has been known as being the master in eclectic Japanese cuisine. The original Nobu restaurant is in New York and his Hawaii restaurant opened in May of this year. I love Japanese food, especially good sushi and sashimi. We had a variety of dishes: tuna tataki with ponzu sauce, lobster salad, seared ahi salad, rock shrimp tempura, black cod miso, duck, and a variety of sushi. It was delicious. My favorite was the tuna takaki with ponzu sauce. For dessert we tried a couple of dishes, which were all amazing. Both the dinner and company was awesome! I would definitely go there again. Highly recommended. Such an awesome weekend of firsts!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Friends and Dolphins

I can't believe it has been a month since my last entry! The past month flew by like watching a TV show in fast forward, everything is a blur. Let’s see, what have I been up to the last month? Well, I've started up classes again, moved offices, played a couple rounds of golf, saw my co-worker from Seattle whom I haven't seen since I moved back 2 years ago, went hiking, the usual partying, etc... That’s a lot! No wonder I haven’t been writing!

Last weekend I went to Donn and Steph's house for a BBQ. It has been a while since we all got together for dinner and poker so it was really nice seeing everyone. Unfortunately, I didn't win any money at poker, but I had a great time seeing everyone again. In July, Donn, Steph and Ashley will be moving to Tokyo for two years, so I can now add Japan to my list of places to visit! Although I am sad that they will be leaving, I'm very excited for them. I would absolutely love living in a foreign country for two years - exploring a new country, learning the customs, eating the delicious food, learning a new language, etc... Not to mention, they are going to a country where H.K. can be found in every department store! It will be an awesome experience!

Last weekend I also went to the north shore with Jeff. When we first got to Waimea it was cloudy and rainy, but by the end of the day it became clear and sunny. At first, I complained how rainy it was looking at my completely soaked Saturday paper. However, once the sun came out I was so hot that I found myself regretting how I had badly wished that it be sunny! I even got sunburn in places where I missed the SPF 50. Chalk it up to another instance to be careful what you wish for.

The highlight of my day was watching a school of at least 20-25 dolphins relaxing in the bay for almost an hour. It was awesome! I have never seen a school of dolphins before, and they were hanging out by themselves for at least for a good 20 minutes before a lifeguard made the announcement that there were dolphins in the bay and requested that they be left alone to relax in their natural environment. Naturally, no more than 5 minutes later at least 20 swimmers jumped in the water and were out in the bay swimming with the dolphins! It was hilarious. However, those probably were the smartest people on the beach, as it costs at least $200 to swim with 1-2 dolphins at the Hilton for an hour. Where else could you swim with 20-25 dolphins for free???

Anyway, that was a great weekend. Till next time!