Monday, April 23, 2007

Spun Out of Control

This is the first time I am publishing myself on the internet. It started out with setting up a myspace account so that I could see my friend's site and blew up into completing my linkedin page and starting this blog. What the heck did I get myself into?? I have friends that have blogs, but since I considered myself a computer retard I never imagined starting one myself. Lucky for me, I have computer geek friends who helped me set up both my myspace and blog site. Thanks Chad and Isaac! This is going to be fun!

So, I recently started chatting online with my friends. I never really did this sort of thing until recently when my one friend moved to SF. We chatted pretty frequently while he was in Hawaii and since we still chat as often as before it seems like he never left! Craziness. The power of the internet. I love it and I don't know what I would do without it. When I recently moved into my new place, the one week that I had no tv or internet I felt disconnected with the world - it was not a good feeling.

So here goes... Lets see how long I can keep a blog.


misterpyro said...

OOOHHHHH SWEET!!!! I'm your first comment on your blog too!!!

myblogson said...

holy crap how did this thing know what my name was???

Unknown said...

Yeah, how does this thing know my name? Anyways, cool! I like your hiking blog. You are hardcore!